The story of Dodicipollici begins, as often happens, with the need to solve a problem, in this case the problem was mine and i had it at home.
The story of Dodicipollici begins, as often happens, with the need to solve a problem, in this case the problem was mine and i had it at home.
I have always been a music lover and since i was a teenage, with the first money I earned, I began to buy and listen to vinyl, starting from 60’s/70’s blues and rock classics, passing through jazz and Motown soul until the new releases, since then I have never quit and after 30 years I still continue to buy and collect them, all strictly on vinyl.
3500 vinyls of blues, Motown and 70's rock
The CDs was on the market by few years and seemed they could mark a point of no return for vinyl, the story will turn out differently and vinyl will gets its revenge, but that's another story.
In all the houses where I lived, i had to relegate my records into the strangest and most improvised places, lean on the floor next to the television, scattered in various bookcases and even in the basement closed into the boxes.
I had never thought about a real well-ordered system. As long as...
Nina was almost borning, we needed space for our first daughter, what would happen to my beloved record collection?
I decided that was the time to find a definitive solution!
A modular system!
I wanted a beautiful, solid furniture, where all my records could finally gets a shelter, that was fittable to any space and that I could expand together with my collection too: impossible?
A modular system! Why i didn’t thought about that before?
I started to work on it and after several attempts I found that the cube was the perfect shape. For the material instead, since the beginning, there were no doubts: the wood: elegant, solid and always the best for vinyl conservation.
An essential and perfect shape: the cube
I settled all the technical and aesthetic details with my trusted carpenter, and when I saw the first cube made I was amazed: it was more beautiful than I had imagined!
The following year, together with my daughter, the Dodicipollici project was born, dedicated to those who love music.